Aspiration Statement
I am a computer science enthusiast and I want to make a societal impact using my technical, social, and entrepreneurial skills.
Academic Awards / Achievements
- University of North Carolina Pembroke (2019)
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Saylani Welfare Organization - Volunteer Teacher
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Mozilla Firefox - Open Source Contributer
- Beaver Tech Ltd - Co-founder and Technical Lead
- Habib University-Runway Radio - IT support
Final Year Project
Project Title
Cybaware: Cybersecurity Awareness Training Through Serious Games
There are many technologies available to companies to deal with the threat of cyberattacks. However, most security breaches that corporations face tend to be the result of social engineering by cybercriminals. In, fact “80 percent of all cyberattacks are believed to result from accidental, intentional or malicious human behavior.” There is a need for Information Security awareness among corporate employees. With this project we aim to use the framework of Serious Games to raise awareness about cybersecurity threats more effectively among individuals in the business sector.